This article will take you through how to manage referrals on the Pathway Dashboard.
This includes:
- Viewing the pathway dashboard
- Viewing individual pathway steps
- Viewing the referral chart (for limited users only)
1. Viewing the pathway dashboard
Below the distribution graphs, you will see the overview of all the pathways configured. A pathway has an [R]ed, [A]mber and [G]reen status that is calculated by the number of hours since the referral was received. This can be configured for each service in line with their referral KPIs.
Click on any of these and you can navigate to the individual pathway dashboards.
2. Viewing the individual pathway steps
When you click on a pathway (e.g. Priority), you will be taken to the individual pathway dashboard, which summarises all the referrals assigned to it.
The pathways show the different steps for a referral and can be configured to meet specific requirements. For example, the referral steps could be to contact the team, or administration or complete.
To learn how to move a referral between steps, please see How to manage referrals on the referral dashboard.
3. Viewing the referral chart
To view the referral chart, you need to have assigned the specific "Hub Manager" role into your account. Under the Referrals tab in RIVIAM, the Pathway Centre shows data and graphs on the distribution and number of referrals received/updated per day, week and month. You can filter down on specific dates here, then click 'Refresh' or select 'Today', 'This week' or 'This month' as shown below.
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