This article will teach you how to manage referrals on the referral dashboard. This covers:
- Viewing the referral dashboard
- Locking and unlocking a referral
- Setting a referral priority
- Recording an event / creating a clinical note
- Progressing to the next step
- Reassigning to another pathway.
1. Referral dashboard
When you click on a patient, you are taken to the referral dashboard. Here, you can view the patient's demographics.
The main actions you can undertake here are:
- View documents - How do I view and download a referral document
- View the referral chart
- Lock / unlock a referral
- Set the referral priority
- Record an event or create a clinical note
- Progress to the next step
- Reassign to another pathway
2. Lock/unlock a referral
The lock icon on the right side lets you lock a referral while reviewing and editing it. After you complete this, you can unlock the referral so other users can access it.
Note: A referral will unlock when you progress to the next step.
3. Set the referral priority
Users can assign the appropriate priority level for a referral. Customers can choose the priority levels suitable for their organisation. For example, the priority set could be Urgent, Routine and Planned.
4. Record an event / creating a clinical note
Any events or activities related to that referral can be documented and recorded.
An event can be a letter sent, a document uploaded, a call made, or an email received.
It is also possible to upload supporting documents to an existing referral.
5. Progressing the referral to the next step
Once a referral has been reviewed or actions taken, you can progress the referral to the next step in the process. The step will change on the referral dashboard, as shown below:
Progressing to the next step involves clicking the relevant step under "Move forwards" as shown below. For example, the referral could move to Clinical Awaiting more information, Upload to TPP Systm1 or Completed as shown below (to note, these steps are configurable).
You will also need to explain why you are taking this action before clicking 'Confirm'.
6. Reassign to another pathway
If you decide that a referral needs to move to a different pathway, you can do this by clicking the "Reassign Pathway" button on the right-hand side of the referral dashboard (under "Actions").
This will allow you to:
- Select the pathway where you would like to move the referral to
- Select the appropriate step within that pathway (i.e. received an email, awaiting more information, upload to TPP Systm1).
- Select the appropriate service line
- You also need to describe why you have made this decision to support it.
Once a referral has been reassigned, it will appear in the pathway dashboard (see How to manage referrals on the pathway dashboard).
This change will be recorded as a timeline event. The timeline event will include the date, time, by whom the referral was reassigned, and which pathway it has come from.
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