When submitting a new referral, referrers will receive a confirmation email with the unique referral number and initials of the patient.
Please note that the download link is security protected, so if you try and download the link too many times or try to download the referral using a different IP, you may see an error message similar to this:
Please contact us via support@riviam.zendesk.com with:
- the unique referral number (which can be found in the confirmation email),
- the name of the referrer (we will check if this request is legitimate),
- the reference code that appears in the error message,
- reason code.
For example:
Referral number: RIVIAM_Tue_01_Jan_2022_1
Name of referrer: Dr Higgins
Reference code: FJVZ2X
Reason code: 3
Once we can confirm the person requesting this is the same person as the referrer, we can proceed to reset the download. Otherwise, you might be asked to contact the service directly and quote the referral number for a copy of the PDF.
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