From the people search results, the user can create a new referral for that person.
In the 'People' tab, search for the person needed. Click on the 'Select person' link.
To create a new referral, select the 'New Referral' button. This will launch the referral form.
As the person is already known to RIVIAM, only three sections of the form will need to be completed.
- The Contact/referrer details.
- Triage.
- Outcomes.
Complete all the sections on the form and select 'Submit Referral'.
A pop-up will appear confirming that the form has been submitted successfully and give a referral reference code. For example:
The new referral will be routed to the appropriate service provider (pod). Users assigned to the pod will receive an email notification that a new referral has been received.
The new referral will be listed if the user uses the People Search.
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