Discharge teams will need to log in to RIVIAM to track discharge referrals and monitor their progress.
Login to RIVIAM as a new user
If you are a new user who has not logged into RIVIAM before you will have to activate your account by completing the following steps (Opens a new window). Once completed, you can log in to RIVIAM.
Existing users
- Enter your username and password and log in.
- Some customers have a two-step authentication process. An SMS code will be sent to the mobile number you entered.
- Enter this code and select 'Login'. The code is valid for up to 8 hours.
Figure 1: Two-factor authentication page.
If you forgot your password, please visit this guide (opens a new window).
Please Note: If you change your mobile telephone number you can update this by selecting 'forgotten password' and reactivating your account outlined above. |
Home Page in RIVIAM:
Use the Home page in RIVIAM to find out information and use the shortcuts to help manage:
- A current work list.
- Recently accessed referrals.
Please note that Discharge users are not directly assigned to referrals so these lists will be empty.
Figure 2: Home page
Discharge Page:
The Discharge page will list the organisation and the discharge home pathway. It will provide a count of the number of referrals with a red, amber, green, or blue status and the total number of referrals in grey.
Figure 3: Discharge page
The above screenshot shows three organisations, however there can be more organisations listed if required.
Discharge Dashboard:
The Discharge dashboard contains six sections:
- "Person" with a search box.
- Discharge status.
- Expected discharge date.
- Ward.
- Days since the first referral.
- Referral status.
A table illustrates the total number of referrals in each discharge referral status. The button at the end is a refresh button used to refresh the numbers in the table:
Figure 4: Discharge table
Overview of the Discharge dashboard:
This section gives an overview of the Discharge dashboard and highlights some features included. Further details will be provided.
Figure 5: Overview of the Discharge dashboard
Background colour for referrals
Referrals that have passed their expected discharge date and have discharge critical referrals with a red referral status, will be highlighted with a yellow background.
Referrals that have not passed their expected discharge date, or do not have discharge critical referrals, have a white background.
The person column will detail the patient’s name, NHS number, date of birth, address, and postcode.
There is a search bar in the header so the Discharge Liaison Officer can search by person name or NHS number.
Clicking on the person will open the patient record.
Discharge RAG status:
Figure 6: Discharge status flag
The Discharge dashboard calculates an overall Discharge RAG status for each person.
The Discharge RAG status supports a decision about whether a person is ready to be discharged.
It is colour-coded Blue, Red, Amber, and Green. There is a filter box at the top of the dashboard column so users can filter for one status.
How RIVIAM calculates the Discharge RAG status:
The overall Discharge RAG status is auto-calculated by RIVIAM via:
- Checking the discharge status of each discharge-critical referral. (Note: If the service line for a referral is not discharge-critical, the referral will always be shown as white and ignored).
- The highest status level sets the overall Discharge RAG status for discharge critical services only.
Figure 7: How the overall Discharge RAG referral status is calculated by referrals received.
The Discharge status for an individual referral is based on the time to discharge date and whether the partner has progressed the service to a point when it is ready for discharge.
Figure 8: How the referral status is calculated by days to discharge date.
If the referral:
- Has more than 5 days until the expected discharge date the discharge status will be blue.
- Has 5 days or less until the expected discharge date the discharge status will be amber.
- It is 3 days or less until the expected discharge date, the discharge status will be red.
- It is ready for discharge, then it will be green.
Non-discharge critical referrals will be shown in the dashboard as white. These referrals will have no impact on the overall discharge RAG status.
If a Referral status shows as grey, it means the service line has been either declined by the patient or the need has been set as "unmet".
Expected discharge date:
This is the date the Discharge Liaison Officer or Discharge Facilitator expects the person to be ready to be discharged from the hospital.
Days since first referral:
This section gives the Discharge Liaison Officer a way of seeing how many days have passed since the first referral(s) were raised.
Referral status:
Figure 9: Referral Status
The Referral status section lists all the partnering organisations that have referrals for this person. For example, this person has seven referrals for different services from a range of service providers.
The colour coding of these referrals is based on the readiness of the service for the person to be discharged.
Referral status colour
The referral status provides a visual cue for users to follow up on discharge-critical services:
- Red - Services are:
- critical or discharge-dependent
- not ready for hospital discharge and
- there are less than 3 days until the expected discharge date.
- Amber - Services are:
- critical or discharge-dependent
- are not yet ready for hospital discharge and
- there are between 3-5 days remaining before the expected discharge date.
- Green - Services are:
- critical or discharge-dependent.
- Ready for hospital discharge.
- Blue - Services are:
- critical or discharge-dependent
- more than 5 days remain until the expected discharge date.
- White - Services are:
- not critical or discharge dependent
- Grey - The service line has been either declined by the patient or the need has been set as "unmet".
Opening the referral:
If the Discharge Liaison Officer clicks on the referral, it will open another page giving more detailed information. This header section shows the organisation, the pathway, the patient’s name, and the support required.
It lists the person’s name, date of birth, NHS number, address, and postcode. It will list the Discharge status, estimated discharge date, ward, days since the referral was made and the referral status, based on their progress.
Figure 10: Opening a referral view.
Service provider contact details are listed, should the Discharge Liaison Officer or Discharge Facilitator need to contact them by phone or email.
Timeline of activities:
Figure 11: Timeline of activities and notes
- The timeline shows a history of the events related to progressing the referral.
- When a partner organisation changes the status of the referral, they include a status change reason which is included in the timeline event.
- If a user creates a timeline event or adds a note for the discharge team, then this will also be included in this timeline.
RIVIAM Hospital Digital Discharge Service User Guide. © Copyright 2023 All rights reserved.
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