Clinicians can now record a Gillick competency consent for an under-16 student in the RIVIAM mobile clinic app.
How to Use the Gillick Competency Form
Designed to streamline the Gillick competency process, the Gillick competency form is intended for scenarios where a student presents for vaccination without existing parental consent. Clinicians can record the consent and the consultation outcome using the same form.
Key Considerations:
- Vaccine Type: Before completing the Gillick form, clinicians should discuss vaccine-type options with the student. Please ensure that the Gillick consent is added to the appropriate clinic (nasal or IM) based on the student's preference.
- Existing Parental Consent: Verify that the student does not have existing parental consent. If found, a Gillick form should not be completed.
- Consent and outcome: The same clinician should record both the Gillick competency consent and the outcome.
- Offline Functionality: The Gillick competency form can be completed even when mobile connectivity is unavailable. However, the consent will not be synced to RIVIAM Web or other devices until a connection is re-established.
- Data Submission: Upon completion, clinicians should ensure they select the "Submit" button to save and record the consent on the device. Failure to submit may require the form to be completed again.
Adding a Gillick Competency Consent
- For Gillick competent students requesting a Flu nasal vaccination, please add this consent to a Flu Nasal clinic.
- For Gillick competent students requesting a Flu IM vaccination, please add this consent to a Flu IM clinic.
- For non-Gillick competent students, please record the non-competent consent on a Flu nasal clinic.
How to add a Gillick Consent
Log into your mobile device and choose your school clinic. Gillick competence functionality is available for Flu 24/25 and can be rolled out across other immunisation programmes as required by the customer.
Figure 1 Choose the school clinic.
On the right-hand side of the screen, there is a blue box with a + symbol. To add a Gillick competency consent select the + symbol.
Figure 2 Select the + symbol
A pop-up window will appear with the list of referral forms available. For Gillick competency consent forms, select the Gillick consent form.
Figure 3 List of referral forms.
The Gillick competency form will open, and each section of the form will be visible.
Figure 4 Gillick form sections.
Gillick competency student details section
Figure 5 Student details section.
Complete each section of the Student Details section and then select Continue
Figure 6 Select continue.
Gillick competency form Gillick questions
Figure 7 Assessing Gillick Competency section.
The Gillick competency assessment questions will load. Please select yes or no as appropriate.
Figure 8 Gillick Competency assessment.
If any of the responses are recorded as “No,” the student will not be considered as Gillick competent, and the Gillick consent will be recorded as a No with outcome prefilled and have the reason “Other.” It is recommended that the clinician add additional notes in the outcome section. On RIVIAM Web, the referral details of this consent will show that the student was assessed as “Not Gillick competent”
If all of the responses are “yes,” the clinician who completes the form will be allowed to continue.
Student Signature
When a student is being assessed for Gillick competency, they are required to sign their consent form. To do this, select “Open signature pad.”
Figure 9 Open signature pad.
If the user is using an iPad, the student can use their finger to add their signature. If the user is using the Windows app, the student should hold down the left-hand button of the mouse and scribe their signature on the mouse pad.
Figure 10 Record student signature.
Parent Details section
If the student is assessed as competent to give Gillick consent the following sections will automatically appear:
• Parent details
• Student history
• Gillick outcome
Figure 11 Parent details section.
Select the parent details section and the student will be asked if they would like to share this information with their parents.
Figure 12 Consent to share details with parent.
If the student says “No” then press "Continue" and proceed to the next section of the Gillick competency form. If the student says “yes”, you will be asked to complete the parent's details and then select "Continue".
Figure 13 Parent details section.
Student History Section
The next section is where the user can record responses to the student's history. Please select yes or no as appropriate and add information if required. Then select "Continue".
Figure 14 Student history questions.
Gillick Outcome section
The last section is where the clinician can record the outcome for the student.
Figure 15 Gillick Outcome section.
The first question is “Have you attempted to contact the parents/guardians for consent?” The clinician must complete these fields.
Figure 16 Recording an outcome
Select either Yes or No depending on the outcome and complete the relevant details. Once complete, select "Continue".
Then select "Submit form". Please ensure that you have pressed Submit form, to save the form.
NHS Mini-Spine Match
All Gillick competency consents submitted are checked using RIVIAM NHS Mini Spine integration. If the demographics on the Gillick competency form match the NHS Mini Spine, RIVIAM will record the student's NHS number.
If the demographics do not match NHS mini spine details, the user will see a pop-up requesting they check the demographics again.
Figure 17 NHS mini-spine match pop-up message
If you would like to amend the details, close the pop-up window, go back to the Student Details section, check or amend the student details, and select "Continue".
Complete immunisation and submit the form.
A further pop-up window stating "Success" appears confirming your Gillick competency form has been submitted. Select Confirm.
Figure 18 Confirm the submission.
Gillick outcomes move to “Seen” and “Seen by me”
Figure 19 Completed Gillick Competency forms.
The consent record is marked with a ‘New’ flag to show that it has been created on the day of the clinic.
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