In certain circumstances, you may need to change the consent status from YES to NO or vice versa.
There may be several reasons for this:
- You don't want to vaccinate this child because the child falls outside of the demographic requirements – not in the specified cohort due to geography or age.
- The child cannot be immunised due to medical reasons.
- The parent decides to change their mind about whether the child should be vaccinated or not.
How to Change the Consent Status:
Option 1: Using the shortcut option
Option 2: Updating the consent status from the patient's record.
1- Shortcut option:
Go to the "Consents Received" tab and select the record needed. You will see three horizontal lines and you click there. Select the option "Update Consent Status" and fill in the details.
2- Updating the Consent Status inside the referral:
- Open the patient record.
- On the left, select the immunisations tab.
- The page opens, and you can see the immunisation information.
- Select Action.
- Select update consent status.
- Choose the correct consent status option.
- Choose the correct step.
- Add a clinical note
- Select confirm.
Conflicting Consents
If a parent/guardian has consented YES, and the other parent/ guardian has consented NO. These consents will become conflicting consents. A timeline event will be created against the new referral, saying, 'Parent has changed consent status from the previous consent they submitted. No vaccination record has been created because it is on the existing consent reference (existing referral reference number)'.
A timeline event will also be created against the existing referral linked to the vaccination record. For example, 'Parent has submitted a new consent with a different consent status. The new consent is in the Flu - Conflicting consents queue for review'.
Please note that unless a conflicting consent is resolved these consents will NOT appear on the clinic lists.
How to resolve a conflicting consent
Step 1: Open the Primary Consent for the child
You will see on the timeline events in which consent holds the vaccination record.
Under the Immunisations tab (accessed in the left-hand menu bar), the timeline event will show 'Parent has submitted a new consent with a different consent status. The new consent is in the Conflicting consents queue for review', and the vaccination table will show 'Conflicting consents' under the consent status column as shown below:
Step 3: Select the 'Change consent status' button
Select the 'Action' dropdown next to the vaccination table:
and click on 'Update consent status' as shown below :
You will then need to choose the relevant consent status - Consent given, Consent not given, Declined (clinically or by service) or Declined (out of cohort):
4- Then select the workflow step to allocate the consent to (e.g. HPV- Consent given) – the steps available will vary depending on the status chosen in the first dropdown. Finally, add a reason why the consent is being changed and click Confirm.
If (as with DTP), there are two vaccinations, you need to repeat these actions for the other one.
Step 5: Check the vaccination table and timeline event have been updated
Check the timeline event has been updated to say "Consent has been changed for the following reason: XXXX XXXX" and the vaccination table has been updated e.g. 'Consent given'.
Check the consent has moved to the new workflow step , e.g. HPV-Ready, Declined by service, etc.
To note: Both consents will be updated to be in the selected workflow step. In addition, both consents will now have the same consent status. This will be shown on the vaccination record against the main consent.
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