If you need to amend a vaccination status (to given or not given or vice versa), please follow these steps.
Please Note that changing vaccination status on Referral details will NOT update the vaccination status history.
1- Via the consents received shortcut:
Go to the "Consents received" tab and select the record needed. You will see three horizontal lines. Select the option "Update Vaccination Status" from the drop-down menu and complete the form with the vaccination details.
2- Via the patient's record:
1- Open the patient's record.
2- Select the immunisations button on the left-hand side:
3- In the Immunisation information Action box, select the arrows.
4- Select "Update Vaccination status" from the drop-down menu:
5. A pop-up window will appear.
Please note that if the child has already been outcomed using the mobile or
the spreadsheet, the form will be prefilled with the previous outcomes recorded.
If the child has a vaccination status “not processed,” the form will appear as
Select each field on the form and select the relevant vaccination status, injection site, batch number, expiry date, clinic date and time. If you DO NOT know all the details of previous vaccinations given elsewhere you can leave these fields blank.
IMPORTANT– Please ensure you add additional notes and the reason for the change, as this will be recorded in the vaccination history, timeline events and patient referral details.
Vaccination History
You can check the outcome that has been recorded or updated by checking the vaccination history.
- Select the immunisations button on the left-hand side.
- In the Immunisation information “Action" box, select the arrows.
- Select "View vaccination history" from the dropdown menu:
- A pop-up window will appear. Select the latest entry. This will give you all the details of the outcome recorded and by which clinician.
PLEASE NOTE:- Source is how the outcome was recorded. This can either be Spreadsheet, Mobile or Admin. Admin is where the outcome has been directly added to RIVIAM.
Timeline Events
A timeline will be added with the notes included when the vaccination status is updated.
Referral Details
The Immunisation outcome referral details will be populated.
PLEASE NOTE: If you need to change any details then please use the vaccination status. Updating this section will NOT update the vaccination history.
Careplus Spreadsheets
Careplus spreadsheets will be updated when outcomes are recorded via the update vaccination status functionality.
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